To reserve a service, send an email to
We establish the location for providing the service by mutual agreement.
Jyotish consultations
Jyotish or Vedic Astrology is one of the supreme sciences, originating from the Vedic tradition. Jyotish translates as "science of light" and is a scientific method of approaching the spiritual tradition. Jyotish is an integral part of the knowledge of the Supreme Self contained in the Vedas. It helps us to understand the individual expression of our Self during this lifetime in the material world. An incredibly powerful tool, Jyotish gives you a new perspective on your journey in this life and a supreme understanding of the flow of time.
A Jyotish reading is a profound and effective tool for recognizing one's own uniqueness and the interconnectedness of life. It can reveal your life's purpose, your talents and abilities, your soul's chosen path, opportunities for growth and learning.
Through a Jyotish reading you can find out the outline of your Self, you will have more clarity on the important past events in your life, you will understand what are the resources you came with in this life, where does the abundance in your life come from, what are the possibilities for the present and the future and what kind of energies await you in the future.
Did I make you curious?
Reading Packages:
Mini-Reading - 30 min.
(reading Ascendant - Lagna and Moon - Chandra)
Jyotish Basic Astrology Reading - 75 min.
(reading your astrogram, the ascendant - Lagna, and the planets - Grahas, through the houses - Bhavas)
Jyotish+Future Dashas Astrology Reading - 90 min.
(reading the ascendant - Lagna, and the planets - Grahas, through the houses - Bhavas and the current and future planetary periods - Dashas - which will show you present and future energies, opportunities and obstacles)
Jyotish Astrological Reading FULL Package - 120 min
(the reading of your astrogram, the ascendant - Lagna, and the planets - Grahas, by houses - Bhavas and the current and future planetary periods - Dashas - which will show you the present and future energies, opportunities and obstacles. And towards the end of the session you will receive Upayas specific to your needs - methods and techniques to refine and potentiate certain qualities and characteristics of the planets in your life. Upayas can consist of yogic practices of pranayama, meditation, kriya s or asanas, fasting practices, chanting of mantras, Dhana - actions in the service of others, sacred rituals and Gyana - correction of the intellect. These Upayas are aimed at transforming you and your life in the direction chosen by your soul in this life. This will be followed by a follow-up session, at least a week after the initial session).
Reading for Children - 60 min.
(reading of the ascendant - Lagna, and of the planets - Grahas, through the houses - Bhavas and of the current and future planetary periods - Dashas)

Yoga sessions
​Yoga is a science that seeks to balance the body, mind, heart and soul. Yoga is a guide to your True Self, a set of techniques and methods for exploring and evolving all aspects of your being. A constant practice of yoga brings the physical body into homeostasis, improving physical condition, general health and increasing immunity; calms and centers the mind, bringing back your power and control over your own mind and internal environment; it supports your heart in expressing itself without fear, cultivating within you qualities such as acceptance, trust, compassion, love, joy, enthusiasm; and most importantly it puts you back in touch with your essence, your Self, thus having the chance to live a life in resonance with its lofty mission.
Yoga styles offered:
Learn to Meditate
Meditation is one of the most powerful and simple techniques by which we can improve our quality of life. In the yogic tradition, mediation is called Raja Yoga - the Queen of Yoga, occupying a place of honor among yogic practices. Meditation, regardless of the technique, is primarily the training of attention. By training our attention, we capitalize and redirect our energy, we consciously decide what to invest it in, without getting stuck in our own mental maps. Along with these, meditation comes with many benefits, such as:
Reducing stress
Improving emotion processing,
Increasing attention, presence,
Increasing self-compassion,
Improving memory,
Increasing creativity,
Increasing learning capacity,
Enhancing the sense of connection and inner peace.
I invite you to learn with me:
Mindfulness Meditation
Transcetal Meditation Sattva (previously requires a practice of Meditation - mindfulness, visualizations, guided or other - for at least 90 consecutive days)

Sattva Yoga - Himalyan Kundalini
Sattva Yoga is an integrative practice, based on kriyas, breathing exercises, mantras, mudras and fasts. Sattva Yoga classes are journeys to more wisdom. Each session has an intention and leads you deep into your mind, exploring the self and awakening within you qualities such as: determination, will, love, compassion, a stable mind, acceptance and confidence.
Sattva Yoga is a type of Kundalini Yoga, meaning that it works with Kundalini energy, also called Prana or Shakti, which represents the infinite potential that lies dormant in each of us and is described as a snake coiled at the base of the spine, waiting to it rises along it, to the Third Eye, the place of Supreme Consciousness and Wisdom.
Kriyas are a combination of techniques and practices, with very fast and powerful effects, Kriya translating as "liberating action", being the opposite of Karma - "binding action".
Corporate Yoga
The practice of yoga brings benefits in all environments. Corporate Yoga or yoga at the office improves the ability to manage stressful situations, increases the ability to concentrate, improves performance and productivity at work, improves relationships and the ability to work in a team, and on a physical level, improves posture and releases the tension in the body accumulated due to maintaining the same position for a long time.
Corporate Yoga can include mindfulness exercises, breathing exercises, yoga postures and stress management tips. Depending on the available space, Corporate Yoga can take many forms, from physical classes with postures, to workshops and mindfulness, breathing sessions, etc.
Cost Corporate Yoga Session: leave me a private message.
Conscious Breathing
Breathing is the only process in the body that can be consciously controlled, but which also occurs unconsciously, thus becoming the bridge between the conscious and the subconscious. Through breathing we can release stagnant emotions, traumas stored in the body, we can change our mood, thoughts and emotions. Conscious and correct breathing has the ability to heal us physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically.
Breathing exercises are a simple tool that can be accessed and used anywhere and anytime, without the need for any props and without the need for special conditions.
Knowing the power of the breath, the patterns of the breath, and how manipulating the breath can change and heal us from the inside out has the ability to transform our lives quickly and easily.
Breath Workshop Cost:
250 RON - individual session
For the price of group sessions, leave me a message.

Yoga Somatică
Yoga Somatică este un tip de yoga ce se concentreză pe eliminarea traumelor și a stresului din corp și minte, pe dezvoltarea relației corp-minte și pe procesarea și eliberarea emoțiilor prin corp.
Într-o sesiune de Yoga Somatică învățăm să ne conectăm cu corpul È™i să îi ascultăm mesajele. Prin miÈ™cări uÈ™oare, exerciÈ›ii de respiraÈ›ie, meditaÈ›ii ghidate È™i alte instrumente somatice descoperim È™i simÈ›im senzaÈ›iile din corp, emoÈ›iile, gândurile È™i credinÈ›ele ataÈ™ate de acele senzaÈ›ii.
Yoga Somatică este o formă excelentă de terapie, care să meargă în tandem È™i să susÈ›ină terapia psihologică clasică.
Cost Sesiune:
250 RON - sesiune individuală
Pentru prețul și programul sesiunilor de grup, lasă-mi un mesaj.

Somatic Release Breathwork
Your nervous system is the electrical grid of your being. Over time, unresolved trauma or chronic stress causes this network to become dysregulated. When it is out of order, difficulties arise in your personal or professional life. When you heal trauma and stress, you heal the electrical grid of your nervous system. When you heal the nervous system, you heal the emotional self so that your authentic self can emerge. Somatic Release Breathwork is an experience of "being". It takes you out of your mind and into your body. It allows you to release stagnant energy and useless from the body and nervous system, caused by the repetition of old thoughts, feelings and narratives.
Somatic Release Breathwork uses circular breathing coupled with rhythmic music to produce a cathartic emotional release. This release can be in the form of movement, shaking, screaming, crying or laughing. By using your breath, you will activate your innate ability to heal and remove any blockages, restrictions or pain that keep you from who you are and how you want to be in this world.
Session Cost:
250 RON - individual session
For the price and schedule of group sessions, leave me a message.