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Fii yoghin zen de Sarbatori/ Be a zen yogi for Holidays

Poza scriitorului: Maria IrimescuMaria Irimescu

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Perioada Sarbatorilor este intotdeauna foarte aglomerata. Uneori ajungem sa ne simtim mai depasiti de situatie ca oricand sau ne prindem in dansul alert al perioadei si ajungem dupa un timp sa ne simtim epuizati. In continuarea iti voi oferi 10 sfaturi si trucuri din Yoga, care te vor ajuta sa faci fata acestei perioade sau oricarei alte perioade stresante.

1. Mediteaza cu ajutorul unei meditatii ghidate mindfulness. Pe Youtube gasesti numeroase astfel de meditatii de doar 10 minute. Chiar daca nu ai chef, nu stii cum, nu crezi ca poti, nu ai stare, incearca! Aseaza-te confortabil si asculta timp de 10 minute o meditatie mindfulness pe eliberare de stres, pace, calm, iubire sau orice subiect de care simti ca ai nevoie si incearca doar sa asculti ce spune. Nu e nicio problema daca nu reusesti sa iti mentii atentia asupra ei. Simplul fapt ca timp de 10 minute pe zi te opresti, iei o pauza si asculti cuvinte calme, relaxante, frumoase, iubitoare, va avea efecte asupra subconstientului tau. Cuvintele incarcate negativ creeaza stres, cuvintele incarcate pozitiv relaxeaza. Acorda-ti 10 minute in care asculti cuvinte pozitive, chiar daca nu poti aplica in totalitate ce spun ele.

2. Ia-ti ca ancora o mantra sau asculta mantre. Mantrele au o vibratie foarte puternica si desi nu poti observa un efect instant, ele lucreaza in subconstient. Alege-ti o mantra cu un mesaj de care simti ca ai nevoie. In momentele de cumpana, revino la mantra aleasa, repet-o de cateva ori in minte sau cu voce tare. Iata cateva in romana, care se potrivesc in orice moment aglomerat din punct de vedere emotional sau psihic, desi cele spuse in sanskrita au un impact mult mai mare:

”Sunt destul. Ma aflu in momentul potrivit, la locul potrivit.”

”Merit sa traiesc o viata linistita”

”Pacea mea este cea mai importanta”.

”Libertatea mi-o gasesc in posibilitatea de a spune”nu””.

3. Intoarce-te la respiratie. Respiratia atat de firava si atat de puternica, e conectata puternic cu mintea, emotiile si viata in sine. Cand te simti coplesit ia cateva raspiratii profunde, apoi lasa respiratia in ritmul ei natural si observ-o. Observa aerul cum intra si cum iese din nari, ritmul respiratiei, durata, senzatiile la nivelul narilor, a toracelui si a abdomenului, la fiecare inspiratie si expiratie. Astfel iti vei calma mintea si trupul in acelasi timp, iar viziunea ta asupra lucrurilor care te streseaza la momentul respectiv este foarte probabil sa se schimbe.

4. Numeste-ti gandurile. Da un nume gandurilor care te supara. Constientizeaza-le, identifica-le, recunoste-le, numeste-le.

5. Numeste-ti emotiile. Da un nume emotiilor tale. Constientizeaza-le, identifica-le, recunoste-le, numeste-le.

Facand acest lucru, nu te vei mai identifica cu ele. Spunandu-le numele vei putea sa te detasezi mai usor de ele si astfel sa iti schimbi reactia in fata lor.

6. Permite-ti sa te enervezi. Permite-ti sa nu mai poti. Cu totii avem momente bune si momente mai putin bune. E absolut normal. Daca iti pierzi controlul, nu pierde energie si pe a te invinui. Canalizeaza energia in ceva constructiv. Observa ce te-a facut sa ajungi in acel punct si accepta ceea ce este. Este parte din tine, dar nu te defineste. Canalizeaza-ti energia in a invata si a face mai bine pe viitor.

7. Incearca Yin Yoga. Yin Yoga este un stil in care pozitiile sunt mentinute pe perioade lungi (3-5 minute) si accentul cade pe relaxare. Astfel, atat corpul, cat si mintea se pot relaxa in profunzime.

8. Fa-ti timp si bucura-te cu adevarat de momentele doar pentru tine, chiar daca sunt scurte. Deconecteaza-te total de orice altceva in acele momente si reconecteaza-te cu tine. Ca citesti o carte, faci yoga, savurezi o ciocolata calda sau aprinzi betisoare parfumate in casa, fa-o cu prezenta.

9. Mediteaza sub dus. Daca nu ai timp de nimic, relaxeaza-te in timpul obiceiurilor zilnice, iar unul dintre cele mai propice este dusul sau baia. Daca nu stii sa meditezi, iata un pont: focuseaza-te pe apa care iti atinge pielea. Nimic mai mult. Observa senzatia apei pe piele, caldura ei, fluiditatea, efectele apei asupra starii tale mentale si emotionale si bucura-te de toate acestea.

10. Fii recunoscator. Desi e o perioada stresanta, cu siguranta este o perioada din care ai multe de invatat. Recunostinta, compasiune, iubire, rabdare, bucurie, puterea de a face fata. Invata si pretuieste lectiile oferite.

Sarbatori fericite!


Be a zen yogi for Holidays!

The holiday season is always very crowded. Sometimes we get more overwhelmed than any other time of the year or or we get caught up in the alert dance of the period and we get to feel exhausted after a while. Next, I will offer you 10 yoga tips and tricks that will help you deal with this period or any other stressful period.

1.Meditate with a guided mindfulness meditation. On Youtube you can find many such meditations of only 10 minutes. Even if you do not like, you do not know how, you do not think you can, you do not mind, try! Sit comfortably and listen for 10 minutes a mindfulness meditation on releasing stress, peace, calm, love or any subject you feel you need and just trying to listen to what it says. There is no problem if you fail to pay attention to it constantly. The simple fact that for 10 minutes a day you stop, take a break and listen to calm, relaxing, beautiful, loving words, it will have effects on your subconscious. Words negatively loaded create stress, positively charged words relax. Give yourself 10 minutes to hear positive words, even if you can not fully apply what they say.

2. Take as an anchor a mantra or listen mantras. Mantras have a very strong vibration and although you can not see an instant effect, they work in the subconscious. Choose a mantra with a message you feel you need. In times of pressure, return to the chosen mantra, repeat it several times in mind or aloud. There are a few that fit in any emotionally or mentally crowded time:

I am enough.. I'm in the right place at the right time. "

"I deserve to live a quiet life"

"My inner peace is the most important."

"I find freedom in the possibility of saying" no "."

3. Return to the breath. Breath so weak and so strong, it is strongly connected with the mind, emotions and life itself. When you feel overwhelmed, take some deep breaths, then let the breath flow in its natural rhythm and observe it. Watch the air as it comes in and out of the nostrils, the breathing pace, the duration, the sensations at the level of the nostrils, the chest and the abdomen with each inhalation and exhalation. Thus, you will calm your mind and body at the same time, and your view on the things that are stressing you at the time is likely to change.

4. Name your thoughts. Give a name to the thoughts that make you stressed. Be aware of them, identify them, recognize them, name them.

5. Name your emotions. Give yourself a name for your emotional story. Be aware of them, identify them, recognize them, name them.

By doing this, you will no longer identify yourself with your thoughts or emotions. By giving them a name, you will be able to move away from them and change your reaction in front of them.

6. Allow yourself to get angry. Allow yourself be overwhelmed. We all have good moments and bad moments. It's absolutely normal. If you lose control, don’t lose energy by blaming yourself. Put your energy into something constructive. Notice what you made you get to that point and accept what it is. It's part of you, but it does not define you. Put your energy into learning the lesson and do better in the future.

7. Try Yin Yoga. Yin Yoga is a style in which positions are held over long periods (3-5 minutes) and the focus is on relaxation. Thus, both the body and the mind can relax in depth.

8. Make time and really enjoy the moments just for you, even if they are short. Fully disconnect from anything else and reconnect with yourself. Read a book, do yoga, enjoy a hot chocolate or light scented sticks in the house, but do it with your presence.

9. Meditate under the shower. If you do not have time for anything, relax during your daily habits, and one of the most conducive is your shower or bath. If you do not know how to meditate, here's a tip: Focus on the water that touches your skin. No more. Notice the sensation on the skin, its warmth, fluidity, the effects of water on your mental and emotional state and enjoy all of this.

10. Be grateful. Although it's a stressful period, it's definitely a time when you have a lot to learn. Recognition, compassion, love, patience, joy, power to cope with difficulty Learn and value the lessons offered.

Happy Holidays!

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